Journey of taste: Chakra flower is also a medicine along with spices, keeps the brain fit, full of nutrients

Journey of taste: Chakra flower is also a medicine along with spices, keeps the brain fit, full of nutrients


Chakra Phool is also called Badiyan in India.
Star anise is considered the spice of China.
Ashwagandha is considered to have equivalent properties in Chakra flower.

Swad Ka Safarnama: When there is talk of hot spices in Indian food, the name of star anise also comes in it. This is not only a spice, it is also considered a medicine. This spice is used in many ways all over the world. The reason for this is that this small ‘flower’ is full of vitamins and minerals. These qualities found in it keep the body as well as the mind fit. This is an exotic spice and it grows in only one state in India.

The fruit is star anise, it is used in Ayurveda and Allopath.

Star Anise, which is also known as Badiyan in India, should not be confused with this flower. It is actually the fruit that comes out of the flower in the tree. It has an aromatic pungent smell and it tastes somewhat sweet, but the taste is pungent. It has its own taste, as well as it gives smell and taste like fennel on rubbing. In India it is used as a hot spice. But separately it is also used in Biryani, Pulao or non-vegetarian food. It is widely used in food all over the world and is added in different ways to make meat spicy, confectionery, pickles, soft drinks, bakery products. Jam, pudding, syrup also have this life.

It is so versatile that apart from enhancing the taste of tea, it is also used to change the flavor of liquor. The special thing is that it has been given special importance in Ayurveda and in terms of properties it has been kept at par with Ashwagandha. Its extract is used in allopaths in medicines related to swine flu.

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The Chinese understood its specialty thousands of years ago.

Star anise is considered the spice of China. When garam masala is made in India, many types of whole spices are ground in it. In China, a powder of five spices is made to make food nutritious and tasty, in which cloves, cinnamon, anise and Sichuan (desi black pepper) are added in addition to star anise. It is believed to have originated in southern China 3000 years ago. The Chinese had known its properties from the very beginning and since then it is being used as medicine and spices. According to the Encyclopædia Britannica, apart from China, its center of origin is also Vietnam, and the fruit is used in spices and pharmaceutical chemicals and its volatile, aromatic oil is commonly used to flavor candies, liqueurs and perfumes.

In the pharmaceutical industry, shikimic acid from star anise is a major source, which is used in the anti-influenza drug oseltamivir. According to the Spices Board India, star anise is produced in India to some extent in Arunachal Pradesh. But since when it has been growing there, the board is not aware of it. Food historians speculate that since Arunachal Pradesh is close to China, it has been growing there for thousands of years. The special thing is that 90 percent of the production of Star shaped flower chakra in the world is produced in China only.

surprisingly nutrient dense

In fact, star anise is a special spice and medicine because it grows only in some parts of China, Arunachal Pradesh and a few countries. It also grows in Japan, but there it is considered poisonous and harmful to the body. Since it is special, the nutrients in it are also special. Modern science suggests that star anise is a good source of iron, magnesium, calcium and manganese. It also contains many vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B6 and some vitamin E. Apart from this, selenium, zinc and copper are also present in good quantity in star anise powder or seeds.

chakra flower

Consumption of star anise is also considered beneficial for the brain. Image-Canva

According to well-known Ayurvedacharya Dr. RP Parashar, it is also used as a medicine in Ayurveda. It is sweet, astringent, carminative, appetite enhancer, digestive, anti-cough, aromatic and deodorizer. It has the properties of a natural brain health booster. It is rich in antioxidants that improve blood flow to the most active areas of the brain. It has properties similar to Ashwagandha, due to which the mind remains fit, sleep is good and the nervous system is fine.

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Provides relief from cold, flu, sore throat

According to Dr. Parashar, research suggests that star anise helps in reducing the symptoms of depression. The reason for this is that there is an abundance of vitamin B, which prevents stress and keeps the mood fresh. If it is boiled in tea, then the body gets vitamin B, as well as relief in cold, flu and sore throat. The oils present in star anise help in treating digestive problems. They have anti-inflammatory properties, which prevent ulcers and can protect against intestinal infections. Due to its antioxidant properties, it boosts the immune system by enhancing the body’s ability to naturally flush out harmful toxins, thereby fighting disease. It controls blood sugar, as well as a compound called flavonoids found in it helps in reducing cholesterol levels in the body effectively. Chakra flower has no side effects and anyway its taste is such that it cannot be eaten in excess, but excessive consumption can cause itching on the skin.

Tags: food, Lifestyle

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